Book Trailers
Where do you find redemption for the human spirit? “Krill America” triumphs in a stunning humanity-baring conclusion.
This novel is an essay on human interaction when people with little in common are thrown together and forced to
work toward a collective goal. A story of struggle and the measure of man’s success, KRILL AMERICA is a thriller
rife with “unrelenting tension and suspense." The characters and plot are so real that the impending-death story
of the Galveston research vessel is described by critics as having "I was there" graphic wealth.”
Storied between “The Old Man and the Sea,” “The Flight of the Phoenix,” and “Titanic,” sails the last tour of Krill
America. Stricken crippled in the Antarctic, the ship is adrift and doomed. Chief Engineer, MAX VILLANUEVA faces his torn life and the challenge of
a lifetime with a rattled crew of ragtag survivors at the bottom of the world.
"Simple Triple Standard" is Historical Fiction gnawing the gut of local radio news reporter Bryant L Herman in a close-knit
community bent with double standards.
Every day we’re affected by standards, whether or not we perceive their presence. "The Real Official, Almost
True Backstory for Modern Commercial Radio" demonstrates some common double standards and how much
more complicated a triple standard can be. World-famous Austin music celebrities and recognizable local radio
personalities embody Bryant's description of this genuine 1970s Texas-style nostalgic win. SIMPLE TRIPLE
STANDARD is seasoned with love, passion, and an unexpectedly lethal twist.
Bryant L Herman lives vicariously through stories in the news and privately wonders if his own life story will ever amount to anything nearly as
noteworthy. Relative to where you stand, the answer can be deadly.
After a rudimentary H-bomb erupts half-a-world away in a Middle-Eastern oilfield, global war appears imminent.
Politically, Socially, Emotionally Jolting
Cultural beliefs and raw cowboy personalities fatally clash when terrorists smuggle several obsolete Soviet
hydrogen weapons into west Texas. Their mission is an all-out nuclear-radiation assault on American oil fields.
This border breach threatens to permanently poison vast strategic U.S. underground petroleum energy reserves.
Facing constant turmoil from production costs, plunging barrel prices, and predictions of a soon-to-be hydrogen-
powered world; a handful of oilmen counter attack. Grit-hardened, these small-town roughnecks reluctantly realize that they are all alone with the
enemy on the Texas desert. Under a looming cloud of nuclear fallout, they defy the imminent demise of not just their individual careers, but
collectively their very lives.
"Some people go crazy on the moon, others have to be crazy before they'll show up here."
Think you could live on the moon in the year 2054?
In many ways, living here resembles any home, but more often than not, you're consumed with a fear of being
alone forever. That feeling overwhelms any conscious recollection of embrace or sense of belonging.
The moon has just one sixth the surface gravity of Earth. Things stray farther. The human mind strays further.
"You brought a gun to the moon?"
"You didn't?"
Author, Ray Palla
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“2054: Murder on the Moon”
“H: Infidels of Oil”
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